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Grants to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations

The code requires that local authorities must publish details of all grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations.

This can be achieved by either:

  • Tagging and hence specifically identifying transactions which relate to voluntary, community or social enterprise organisations within published data on expenditure over £500 or published procurement information, or
  • By publishing a separate list or register

For each identified grant, the following information must be published as a minimum:

  • Date the grant was awarded
  • Time period for which the grant has been given
  • Local authority department which has awarded the grant
  • Beneficiary
  • Beneficiary’s registration number (where applicable)
  • Summary of the purpose of the grant
  • Amount

Wivelsfield Parish Council publishes this information within its monthly schedules of expenditure, as individual grants are paid.  However the grants awarded over the last year are summarised below:

Grants Paid During the 2023-24 Financial Year

Date Paid Beneficiary Purpose Amount £
19 April 2023 Wivelsfield Films To help keep film nights running, while audience numbers are rebuilt following Covid 500
19 April 2023 Wivelsfield Community Tea Club Grant to support activities 400
19 April 2023 Wivelsfield Church Churchyard maintenance 2500
19 April 2023 Plumpton Tennis Club Court refurbishment 1000
19 April 2023 Downscroft Residents Street Party 150
9 August 2023 Village Day Provision of farm animal visit for event 500
Total of Grants Paid 5050

Grants Paid During the 2022-23 Financial Year

Date Paid Beneficiary Purpose Amount £
8 April 2022 Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance To support the Air Ambulance Service 200


8 April 2022 Wivelsfield School Donation towards Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 200
8 April 2022 Wivelsfield Parochial Church Council Churchyard maintenance 2500
8 April & 8 June 2022 Wivelsfield Cricket Club Cricket pitch maintenance grant (paid in two tranches) 700
18 May 2022 Downscroft Residents In-kind grant for street party 137
12 Sept 2022 Monday Group Grant towards footpath repairs by Bethel Chapel 500
12 Sept 2022 Speedwatch Group In-kind grant: purchase of new speed device 1407


15 March 2023 Village Day Grant towards return of the event 4000
15 March 2023 Monday Group In-kind grant – purchase of loppers 42
Total of Grants Paid     9,686


Grants Paid During the 2021-22 Financial Year

Date Paid Beneficiary Purpose Amount £
16 May 2021


Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance To help fund Air Ambulance service 200
23 April & 8 June 2021 Wivelsfield Cricket Club Cricket pitch maintenance grant (paid in two tranches) 700
5 July 2021 The Monday Group Contribution towards maintenance of footpaths 558
3 November 2021 Wivelsfield Parochial Church Council Soundproofing & lights for Church Hall 1350
Total of Grants Paid     2808


Grants Paid During the 2020-21 Financial Year

Date Paid Beneficiary Purpose Amount £
16 April & 14 August 2020 Wivelsfield Cricket Club Cricket pitch maintenance grant (paid in two tranches) 700
7 May 2020 Wivelsfield Bonfire Society Grant towards provision of entertainment (fireworks) at Bonfire event 500
8 January 2021 Wivelsfield Parochial Church Council Churchyard maintenance 2500
Total of Grants Paid     3700


Date Paid Beneficiary Purpose Amount £
16 April 2018 Wivelsfield Village Hall Outdoor maintenance grant 600
16 April & 2 July 2018 Wivelsfield Cricket Club Cricket pitch maintenance grant (paid in two tranches) 700
14 May 2018 Wivelsfield Village Day Contribution towards provision of entertainment at annual Parish summer event 2000
9 July 2018 Junior Wicked Grant towards provision of equipment for youth group 500
30 July 2018 Wivelsfield Bonfire Society Grant towards provision of entertainment (fireworks) at Bonfire event 250
12 November 2018 Wivelsfield Community Club Provision of entertainment and Christmas tea for older generation from Parish 400
4 March 2018 Wivelsfield Parochial Church Council Churchyard maintenance grant 2500
Total of Grants Paid     6950