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Planning Update

The Parish Council has engaged a firm of planning consultants to draw up representations on its behalf, against the Taylor Wimpey planning application for 150 homes south of Green Road.

Last week, the consultants submitted two letters to Lewes District Council (LDC).  The first, in response to application LW/24/0803, argued that the information which Taylor Wimpey has provided is insufficient to allow LDC to determine whether or not an Environmental Impact Assessment should be required for this site.

The second, in respect of application LW/24/0820, requested that, owing to missing documents, LDC invalidates the application until such time as these documents are received and then restarts the clock on the public consultation.  If LDC is not willing to do that then, owing to problems with the LDC website – which had made accessing the planning documents difficult until last week – the consultants have asked that LDC at least resets the clock on the consultation period.

It appears that the consultation period deadline has now been extended to 18th February.

Residents are strongly encouraged to submit their views about application LW/24/0820, via the Lewes District Council website, or by writing to / emailing the Planning Department.