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Planning Update

The Parish Council has engaged a firm of planning consultants to draw up representations on its behalf, against the Taylor Wimpey planning application for 150 homes south of Green Road.

Last week, the consultants submitted two letters to Lewes District Council (LDC).  The first, in response to application LW/24/0803, argued that the information which Taylor Wimpey has provided is insufficient to allow LDC to determine whether or not an Environmental Impact Assessment should be required for this site.

The second, in respect of application LW/24/0820, requested that, owing to missing documents, LDC invalidates the application until such time as these documents are received and then restarts the clock on the public consultation.  If LDC is not willing to do that then, owing to problems with the LDC website – which had made accessing the planning documents difficult until last week – the consultants have asked that LDC at least resets the clock on the consultation period.

It appears that the consultation period deadline has now been extended to 18th February.

Residents are strongly encouraged to submit their views about application LW/24/0820, via the Lewes District Council website, or by writing to / emailing the Planning Department.

Local Plan Consultation – Please share your views!

We have received the following information from Lewes District Council regarding the development of a new Local Plan and the launch of a public consultation.  The Parish Council would like to encourage all residents to follow the link, review the documents and respond, as the Local Plan will determine future planning  policy and what will get built where.

“”Lewes District Council is preparing a new Local Plan which will cover that part of the district outside of the South Downs National Park, and we have published ‘Towards a Lewes Local Plan: Spatial Strategy and Policy Directions’ for public consultation.

The ‘Towards a Local Plan spatial strategy and policies directions’ document makes a key stage in the plan making process and provides the basis for consultation with residents, businesses and organisations on how we should develop the plan area for the future. The document outlines the preferred vision, aims and key planning issues affecting the plan area, as well as proposed policy directions for addressing these and potential locations for new development and growth.

We are now seeking views on the preferred policy directions and options for growth. We are also asking for thought on whether there are any additional policies or growth options we should be considering.

We are asking for comments on the Towards a Lewes Local Plan: Spatial Strategy and Policy Directions document over a 10-week period from Wednesday 29th November 2023 to Thursday 8th February 2024.

The easiest way to respond to this consultation is via our on-line Consultation Portal at  Alternatively, the relevant documents can be downloaded and comments sent in by email or post to:

Paper copies are available to view at Lewes District Council Reception, 6 High Street, Lewes, BN7 2AD.”


Arrangements for the Ditchling Road Planning Appeal Inquiry

We have received confirmation that the Ditchling Road Planning Appeal Inquiry, is due to commence on Tuesday 10th January 2023, at 10am, at Wivelsfield Village Hall and to last for up to five days.  Residents are able to attend the Inquiry and can register to speak if they wish to do so (although this is at the Inspector’s discretion).


Lewes District Local Plan Part 2 Consultation

Lewes District Council is inviting you to comment on the Consultation Draft Local Plan Part 2. This document seeks to deliver the strategic objectives and spatial strategy of the Local Plan Part 1: Joint Core Strategy by:

  • identifying and allocating additional sites to meet development growth identified in Local Plan Part 1;
  • setting out detailed (non-strategic) development management policies to guide development and change.

The plan includes an allocation of two sites in the west of Wivelsfield (the ‘Burgess Hill’ part of the Parish).

The consultation is open until 25 January 2018 and comments are invited.

Please go to the Lewes District Council website to view the relevant documents and comment.

Note Put Through Doors Relating to the Planning Application for ‘Shoulders’, North Common Road

For the avoidance of doubt, the Parish Council wishes to make clear that a note received by some households in the eastern end of Wivelsfield Green, relating to a recent planning application at the property known as ‘Shoulders’, was not sent by the Parish Council.  The note was distributed by a resident, who is also a Parish Councillor, but in his capacity as a private individual, not a Council representative.

Wivelsfield Neighbourhood Plan

The Wivelsfield Neighbourhood Plan (WNP) has passed Examination and been recommended to Lewes DC to go to Referendum.  Lewes DC has accepted the recommendation and the date for Referendum has been set for 27th October 2016.

The Neighbourhood Plan and other documents can be viewed at Lewes DC website using the link here