The Parish Council has been advised that drainage investigation work will be taking place in Slugwash Lane, between Monday 9th and Friday 20th September. For further information, please see the document provided by East Sussex Highways, below:
Community Questionnaire
The Parish Council wants to know how it could help to make living in Wivelsfield even better. Please take a few minutes to answer our questionnaire and help to shape the future of your community.
Please click on the link below to be taken to the questions:
Upcoming Roadworks – Ditchling Road
East Sussex Highways have advised of upcoming overnight roadworks on Ditchling Road, (near the junction with Green Road) which will take place between 2nd & 4th April and will close the road to through traffic between 8pm and 6am. A diversion route will be in place.
For more information please see below:
Ditchling Road Wivelsfield April 24
East Sussex Care Services Directory
The latest version of the East Sussex Care Services Directory has been published and is available to view or download at East Sussex Care Services Directory | Care Choices. Alternatively, to obtain a hard copy of the A4 publication, please contact the Parish Clerk on 01444 471898 or by emailing
Grant Applications Invited
Each year, Wivelsfield Parish Council gives a small number of grants to local (Wivelsfield-based) groups and organisations, to support their activities. Our grants budget is relatively modest, so the Parish Council is keen to offer grants to support activities/initiatives which specifically benefit local people and which groups may otherwise be unable to offer.
If you belong to a group which serves local people and may benefit from a small grant, please click on the Grants Policy below, which gives further details, includes an application form and indicates the supporting information that needs to be provided.
The deadline for applications is Friday 23rd February 2023.
Applications will be considered at our Parish Council meeting on 4th March, for payment in the new (2024-25) financial year.
Local Plan Consultation – Please share your views!
We have received the following information from Lewes District Council regarding the development of a new Local Plan and the launch of a public consultation. The Parish Council would like to encourage all residents to follow the link, review the documents and respond, as the Local Plan will determine future planning policy and what will get built where.
“”Lewes District Council is preparing a new Local Plan which will cover that part of the district outside of the South Downs National Park, and we have published ‘Towards a Lewes Local Plan: Spatial Strategy and Policy Directions’ for public consultation.
The ‘Towards a Local Plan spatial strategy and policies directions’ document makes a key stage in the plan making process and provides the basis for consultation with residents, businesses and organisations on how we should develop the plan area for the future. The document outlines the preferred vision, aims and key planning issues affecting the plan area, as well as proposed policy directions for addressing these and potential locations for new development and growth.
We are now seeking views on the preferred policy directions and options for growth. We are also asking for thought on whether there are any additional policies or growth options we should be considering.
We are asking for comments on the Towards a Lewes Local Plan: Spatial Strategy and Policy Directions document over a 10-week period from Wednesday 29th November 2023 to Thursday 8th February 2024.
The easiest way to respond to this consultation is via our on-line Consultation Portal at Alternatively, the relevant documents can be downloaded and comments sent in by email or post to:
- Lewes District Council, C/O Eastbourne Borough Council. Town Hall, Grove Road Eastbourne, BN21 4UH
Paper copies are available to view at Lewes District Council Reception, 6 High Street, Lewes, BN7 2AD.”
Land East of Ditchling Road – Public Exhibition of Plans – Tuesday 5 December, 2.30-7.30pm
On 22 November, Wivelsfield Parish Council met with Cala Homes to view their draft plans for the Ditchling Road site, in advance of the upcoming public consultation. They raised a number of issues with the plans, as well as drawing Cala’s attention to other points relevant to the development. Notes from the meeting are shown below:
Notes from the meeting between Wivelsfield Parish Council and Cala Homes
Cala Homes will be holding a public exhibition of their plans for the approved, 96-home application on land east of Ditchling Road, to be held at Wivelsfield Village Hall on Tuesday 5th December, from 2.30 to 7.30pm. The Parish Council would encourage you to go along to view the draft plans, talk to the various consultants involved and give your views.
The greater the turnout, the better informed Cala Homes can be about what matters most to existing residents, any perceived issues, and what they need to consider to make this development work as well as it can.
For more information and an initial view of the layout please see the flyer below:
audit results 2022-23
Roadworks Hundred Acre Lane
East Sussex Highways has supplied the attached information about roadworks that will be taking place on Hundred Acre Lane during August. The road will remain open with stop and go boards being used for traffic management.
Council Meeting Dates 2023-24
Please find below a list of Parish Council meeting dates for May 2023 – April 2024.
There may occasionally be circumstances that require a meeting date to change. Please keep an eye on this website for information.