East Sussex County Council Highways Department has advised that carriageway patching works will take place on Green Road between the 19th and 21st March. Two way temporary traffic lights will be in place and the work should take place between 9am and 4pm to avoid peak travel time.
Wivelsfield Annual Parish Meeting – Thursday 13 March 2014
Please come along to the Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday 13 March from 7pm. This is not a Parish Council meeting, but an opportunity for members of the community to come and talk to/hear from those that represent them locally – Parish, District and County Councillors.
Superfast Broadband Update
East Sussex County Council has confirmed that work to roll-out superfast broadband to Wivelsfield should begin during 2015.
30mph Speed Limit Consultation
The ESCC 30mph speed limit consultation period has now ended. The Parish Council hopes to hear the results in the coming weeks.
Greenhill Way Development
The Greenhill Way planning application was refused permission for planning by Lewes District Council. The application has now gone to appeal which will be considered at a hearing in December 2013.