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New Councillors Wanted

Following the recent resignation of Lee White (please see Casual Vacancy Notice below), Wivelsfield Parish Council currently has four vacancies for new councillors. If you would like to help develop, improve and protect your local community for the future, why not join the Parish Council?

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Casual Vacancy Notice

Notice is hereby given that:

  1. A vacancy has occurred in the Ward for a member to serve on the WIVELSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL for the period expiring May 2019.
  2. If TEN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTORS for the Ward of the Parish of Wivelsfield give notice in writing on or before the 3rd August 2015 to : THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE, LEWES DISTRICT COUNCIL, Southover House, Southover Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1AB, that they wish an election to be held to fill the vacancy then a by-election will be held.
  3. If notice is not given and received as mentioned in (2) above the Wivelsfield Parish Council will proceed to fill the before-mentioned vacancy by CO-OPTION at its meeting to be held on Monday the 7th day of September 2015.

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Greenhill Way Development

The Greenhill Way planning application was refused permission for planning by Lewes District Council.  The application has now gone to appeal which will be considered at a hearing in December 2013.