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Councillor Vacancies

Do you love living in Wivelsfield?  Would you like to have a say in the facilities and services available?  Are there things that you would like to see improved?  Could you give up around one evening a month for meetings and have time to do some reading in between?

If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, maybe you would like to consider joining the Parish Council?

Following the recent resignation of John Fair, after two years of serving on the Council, we have four councillor vacancies to fill.  With the Neighbourhood Plan in place and Community Infrastructure Levy money starting to come through, it is an exciting time to be involved.  We’d love to see some more community-minded individuals come forward to help shape the future of the Parish.

To find out more about what’s involved, please contact the Clerk, or come along to a meeting.

Casual Vacancy Notice June 2017


Wivelsfield Annual Parish Meeting

Thursday 23 March 2017, 7pm

Wivelsfield Village Hall

Please come along to chat with representatives of our local councils, Sussex Police, East Sussex Highways and other clubs and groups.  Hear reports from the above, plus the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance, Wivelsfield Village Hall and Primary School during the formal meeting which will begin at 8pm. Refreshments will be available between 7 and 8pm.  We look forward to seeing you there.


1 Day Closure – Hundred Acre Lane – 20 March ’17

We have been notified by East Sussex Highways that Hundred Acre Lane will be closed to through traffic from the junction of South Road to the junction of Middleton Common Lane.

The closure will be for 1 day, between the hours of 7am and 5pm on 20th March.

For more information, please contact East Sussex Highways on 0345 6080193.

Wivelsfield Neighbourhood Plan

The Wivelsfield Neighbourhood Plan (WNP) has passed Examination and been recommended to Lewes DC to go to Referendum.  Lewes DC has accepted the recommendation and the date for Referendum has been set for 27th October 2016.

The Neighbourhood Plan and other documents can be viewed at Lewes DC website using the link here

Neighbourhood Plan Update

Regulation 16 Public Consultation

Wivelsfield Parish Council has submitted their Neighbourhood Plan and related documents to Lewes District Council under Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.  The Neighbourhood Plan, and other submission documents, are now available for a 6 week representation period (Regulation 16)

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