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East Sussex Libraries – Consultation

East Sussex County Council’s (ESCC) draft Strategy East Sussex Libraries – The Way Forward is the final part of the Libraries Transformation Programme. It explains ESCC’s proposals for the Library and Information Service for East Sussex for the next five years.

The proposals within the draft Strategy have not yet been decided.  However, if approved, they will result in the disappearance of the mobile library service which currently visits Wivelsfield every three weeks*.

ESCC’s Cabinet has agreed to a 12 week consultation on the draft proposals, which runs from 21 September to 14 December 2017. ESCC would like to hear the views of residents, whether you currently use the Library and Information Service or not.  To find out more about the consultation, its background and the draft strategy, please visit:



*In the past year 1,112 residents have used the Mobile Library. For the majority of the 88 mobile library stops, the number of customers that access the mobile service is extremely low. Of the 88 stops, 72 (82%) had on average fewer than 10 customers per visit in 2016. ESCC proposes to cease provision of the Mobile Library Service, offering instead the eLibrary and the network of 17 library buildings that support rural communities within reasonable journey times. They will provide additional support, including the Home Library Service, for those who are unable to travel to libraries or use the eLibrary.

Temporary Road Closure – Slugwash Lane

Please be advised that Slugwash Lane will be closed from 14th August 2017 for approximately 5 days, to allow Morrisons (on behalf of UK Power Networks) to change from overhead to underground electricity cables.  The closure will affect the Lane from outside Tomlinsons Saw Mill for a distance of 400 metres south.

For further details, please see the attached map.


Lining Refresh Programme

We have been advised by East Sussex Highways that work will be undertaken to refresh the road lining in Wivelsfield between Monday 10 and Wednesday 12 July.

Details of where and when lining work will take place elsewhere in the County are shown in the attached document.

Community Clean Up Day – Sunday 9 July 10am-12pm

Please come along to help at our next Community Clean Up Day, to be held this Sunday, 9 July from 10am-12pm.  Our key focus will be to clear overgrown pavements, so if you have  half an hour or more to spare and are willing to wield a spade, please come along.  There are a number of pavements in the village which have become difficult to navigate – particularly for those with wheelchairs or pushchairs – due to overgrown grass and foliage and your help really will make a difference.  Litter picking will also be on the agenda for those for whom spade-wielding is not an option!  We can supply the litter pickers, hi-vis vests, gloves and black bags and would ask volunteers to simply bring themselves and sturdy footwear.

Please meet at the Village Hall car park.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Note Put Through Doors Relating to the Planning Application for ‘Shoulders’, North Common Road

For the avoidance of doubt, the Parish Council wishes to make clear that a note received by some households in the eastern end of Wivelsfield Green, relating to a recent planning application at the property known as ‘Shoulders’, was not sent by the Parish Council.  The note was distributed by a resident, who is also a Parish Councillor, but in his capacity as a private individual, not a Council representative.

Councillor Vacancies

Do you love living in Wivelsfield?  Would you like to have a say in the facilities and services available?  Are there things that you would like to see improved?  Could you give up around one evening a month for meetings and have time to do some reading in between?

If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, maybe you would like to consider joining the Parish Council?

Following the recent resignation of John Fair, after two years of serving on the Council, we have four councillor vacancies to fill.  With the Neighbourhood Plan in place and Community Infrastructure Levy money starting to come through, it is an exciting time to be involved.  We’d love to see some more community-minded individuals come forward to help shape the future of the Parish.

To find out more about what’s involved, please contact the Clerk, or come along to a meeting.

Casual Vacancy Notice June 2017


Wivelsfield Annual Parish Meeting

Thursday 23 March 2017, 7pm

Wivelsfield Village Hall

Please come along to chat with representatives of our local councils, Sussex Police, East Sussex Highways and other clubs and groups.  Hear reports from the above, plus the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance, Wivelsfield Village Hall and Primary School during the formal meeting which will begin at 8pm. Refreshments will be available between 7 and 8pm.  We look forward to seeing you there.
