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Local Support During the Coronavirus Crisis

The Wivelsfield community has been doing what it does best; rallying around to give support to those that need it during the Coronavirus crisis.  Organised by longstanding resident, Rosemary Fair, the Wivelsfield Coronavirus Buddies are on hand to help anyone who is self-isolating, be that through picking up essential supplies, or offering a friendly chat on the phone.

To find out more about how you can help, or to contact the group for support, please see the attached flier.

Please be mindful of Government advice to volunteers (and those accepting help from them), on how to help safely.  The Government’s advice can be found here.

Suspension of the 166 Bus Service & Alternative Travel Arrangements for Vital Journeys

Owing to  staffing issues and massively reduced use of its services over the last few days, Compass Travel has taken the decision to suspend some routes, including the 166 serving Wivelsfield Green.

Community Transport for the Lewes Area (CTLA) has, by special arrangement with East Sussex County Council, agreed, wherever possible, to assist passengers of any age who are affected by these suspended services. Those who still need to make vital journeys should contact CTLA to see if they can be accommodated through their expanded dial a ride services.  Bookings can be made by phoning CTLA on 01273 517332 between 08.00–16.00 on Mondays to Fridays. Passengers with a Concessionary Pass, who would normally have travelled on these Compass Travel services, will also be able to use the replacement dial a ride arrangement for free during this crisis period.


Parish Council Office Closure & Meeting Arrangements

In line with Government advice during the coronavirus outbreak, the Parish Council office will be closed until further notice.  Anyone wishing to contact the Council should email the Clerk at, copied to the Chair,  or call the office number (01444 471898) and leave a message (as messages can be retrieved remotely).

It is not yet known what arrangements will be put in place for carrying out Council business in the absence of being able to hold meetings face to face.  It is anticipated that the Government will push through legislation to allow for business to be conducted by alternative means, but, until the details of this are known, planned Council meetings are likely to be postponed.

Updates will be posted on the website.


Community Clean Up Event Postponed until September

In light of the coronavirus situation, the Community Clean Up Event which was scheduled for Saturday 28 March has been postponed until Saturday 19th September, in line with the newly published dates by Keep Britain Tidy for the renamed ‘Great British September Clean’.  Thank you to anyone who was planning to support this event and we hope to see you later in the year.

Annual Parish Meeting – Thurs 12 March, 7pm, Wivelsfield Village Hall

Please come along to this year’s Annual Parish Meeting, to hear news about what’s going on in and around our Parish.   Although facilitated by the Parish Council, this meeting intended for the benefit of residents and is an opportunity for you to talk to and hear from our MP, District and County Councillors, Sussex Police, Lewes District Council’s Waste & Recycling Team and more.

The meeting starts with an informal hour between 7 & 8pm, with a chance to talk to our guest speakers and look at info from local clubs and organisations (pay bar and tea/coffee available), with the formal meeting beginning at 8pm.

Please see the agenda attached here for full details.

Shared Ownership Homes in Wivelsfield Parish

The Parish Council has been advised that a number of new Shared Ownership Homes are now available in the Parish, with initial priority being given to people from Wivelsfield.  Please see the press release from Raven Homes below:

Raven Homes have now released their beautiful collection of shared ownership homes at Rosery Place, just off Valebridge Road in Burgess Hill, comprising sixteen 1 bedroom flats and 2 & 3 bedroom houses. All are finished to a very high standard and offer spacious and well planned layouts. 35% initial shares are available to buy from just £70,000 and rent is payable on the remaining share you don’t own. Priority will initially be given to those people who are registered with Help to Buy and live or work in the Wivelsfield Parish but will then be opened up to buyers who can demonstrate a connection to the Lewes District. For more information call the Raven Homes Sales Team on 0300 303 3835 or email